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Ibert Flute Concerto Program Notes Example

카테고리 없음

by cilisentio1983 2020. 2. 26. 08:14


Alexa Still, Reviews - Concerto Performances Excerpts of press reviews Excerpts of Press Reviews: Concerto Performances Vaughan-Williams: 'Greensleeves' Rodrigo: Concierto Pastoral Still: Christmas Suite for Orchestra and Choir (and flute) Sinfonia of Colorado 'On Friday night, flutist Alexa Still, originally from New Zealand and now Professor of Flute at the CU College of Music, delivered a jovial interpretation of familiar Christmas tunes in 'Christmas Suite for Orchestra and Chorus'. This delightful - although haphazard- arrangement by Still, as accompanied by the Sinfonia orchestra, left room for plenty of enthusiastic sing-along participation. More importantly, however, the entertaining summation of songs and carols perfectly captures Still's luminous style of musicianship in which every light note was tendered with utmost thoughtfulness, clarity and joy. Also on the program was Joaquin Rodrigo's 'Concierto Pastoral' by which Still made her local debut in a solid and professional performance. While most associate the Spanish composer with guitar music - such as that performed by the pre-eminent Romero family -this work was written for flutist James Galway over 20 years ago. True to form, Still conveyed Rodrigo's consistent, glowing style that has become a trademark of the recently-deceased composer: from breathless, rapid-fire runs that proved the mettle behind Still's technical aptitude to dreamy, improvisatory melodies delivered without even the merest hint of affectation.

In fact, Still's skillful artistry is nothing but natural, pure and honest. Also includes Ralph Vaughan-Williams Fantasia on 'Greensleeves', which was as poignantly delivered as the composer surely intended.

The compelling and eloquent musical lines of this piece from the opera 'Sir John in Love' were expertly articulated by Still and the Sinfonia musicians.' Sabine Kortals, Daily Camera Hanson: Serenade for Flute, Harp and Orchestra Arnold: Concerto for Flute and Strings San Diego Chamber Orchestra 'Soloist Still, the New Zealand Symphony's principal flutist, displayed considerable instrumental mastery in Arnold's 'Concerto for Flute and Strings'. It mattered not that there were agitated arpeggios, staccato outbursts and jagged trills. Her technique remained fluid and her tone impressively focussed. The two women successfully teamed in Hanson's 'Serenade' as Barra and the orchestra provided smooth support. Still excelled in the flute's assertiveness while Hays reveled in the harp's rippling delicacy. The performance was warmly received, and not just because of the temperature inside the hall.'

Valerie Scher, The San Diego Union-Tribune Gordon Jacob: Flute Concerto South Bend Symphony '.The featured work for the evening was Gordon Jacob's Concerto for flute and orchestra. Jacob was a 20th century composer whose work was rarely performed. This obscurity is surprising considering the beauty and style of this concerto. It gives a strong platform for a skilled flutist, and featured guest artist Alexa Still is this. One danger of a concerto such as this is 'vanishing flute syndrome'. The tone of this woodwind instrument can be delicate and light, risking that the sound may wash over it. In Still's performance there was no such danger.

She played with a powerful presence that made itself heard clearly.' Lowell Francis, South Bend Tribune Corigliano: Pied Piper New Zealand Symphony '. Charged atmosphere. Alexa Still dressed as the Pied Piper performed with distinction. The emotion of the Corigliano concerto reached its climax when the flute playing children were led away by the Pipe Piper, the rats having been previously dispensed with. Alexa Still's brilliant playing, her wonderful costume.'

Bettina Lamb, Evening Post Mozart: G major Ibert: Flute Concerto Wellington Sinfonia 'Nowadays the Mozart No.1 Flute Concerto is more often relegated to the ranks of muzak than the concert stage. A performance such as that given by Alexa Still firmly returns the piece to an essential concert item. It was the opening Allegro Maestoso in which Still showed such an understanding of line, a variance of dynamics and articulation, shaping each phrase with attention-demanding originality. With Jack Spiers conducting, this was some of the very finest modern-instrument Mozart playing to be heard anywhere. The Ibert Flute Concerto after the interval had an equally committed performance from this outstanding soloist. The piece makes extraordinary demands of colour on an often monochrome instrument, and requires virtuosity in abundance; Still took it's challenges in her stride.' Allan McFarlane, Evening Post Rodrigo: Concierto Pastoral New Zealand Symphony Orchestra '.

First was the flute. Rodrigo's extraordinarily difficult Concierto Pastoral.The indeterminate tonalities and angularities of the first movement eased into the second's lush, expansive mood tinged with melancholy.


At times there was even a sultry Latin American sunshine. A magic ending let to the third movement's spiky, fairground rhythms. A showpiece for the soloist with rather uninteresting orchestral accompaniment, this work certainly demonstrated the consummate capabilities of Alexa Still, who played from memory.' Rosemary Collier, Evening Post Rodrigo: Concierto Pastoral New Zealand Symphony Orchestra '.Alexa Still led the way with Concierto Pastoral by Rodrigo.

Its first movement, begun very actively, did not seem to have much depth in the many short phrases. Much more appealing was the Adagio, capped with an extensive and brilliant cadenza. Still's excellent technique, and the light accompaniment, brought the whole work through clearly.'


Flute Concerto List

Ibert Flute Concerto Program Notes Example

L C M Saunders, New Zealand Herald Rodrigo: Concierto Pastoral New Zealand Symphony Orchestra '. The low point was Alexa Still lavishing all her considerable artistic and technical expertise on the twittering inanity of Rodrigo's Concierto Pastoral.' William Dart, Listener and TV Times Rodrigo: Concierto Pastoral Dunedin Sinfonia 'Rodrigo was undoubtedly the highlight. Alexa Still performed the virtuosi flute part with accuracy and energy, and with a keen sense of rhythm, especially in the first movement. She showed her ability to produce a more lyrical tone in disturbing second movement, and the cadenza was glittering.It was an excellent idea to end the concert with Alexa Still playing Gluck's Minuet and Blessed Spirit Dance from Orfeo, with the strings.

She performed this exquisite piece with refinement and beauty.' Anthony Ritchie, Otago Daily Times Mercadante: Concerto in e minor Opus Chamber Orchestra '. Mercadante's comparatively mereticulous flute concerto in e minor, its technical problems overcome by soloist Alexa Still with effortless aplomb.' G E Fairburn, Hamilton Vivaldi: Goldfinch concerto New Zealand Chamber Orchestra 'Good as all these items were, the high spots of the program were the two concertos for which Alexa Still was soloist. In the flute concerto by Vivaldi, she sang and trilled in realistic bird melody, had a gentle arioso in the middle movement, and was brilliantly agile in the finale.' L C M Saunders, New Zealand Herald Mozart: Concerto in G Major New Zealand Symphony Orchestra 'In between came the Mozart G Major concerto, an eagerly awaited event, with Alexa Still as soloist.

Ibert Flute Concerto Program Notes Examples

Among the many things I admire abut Alexa Still's playing is her passionate approach to the instrument - even her physical attitude to it suggests a love affair with it, and the sound she make is full of heart and feeling.